
wrk 压测工具


wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://www.baidu.com


➜  ~ wrk --help
Usage: wrk <options> <url>
-c, --connections <N> Connections to keep open
-d, --duration <T> Duration of test
-t, --threads <N> Number of threads to use

-s, --script <S> Load Lua script file
-H, --header <H> Add header to request
--latency Print latency statistics
--timeout <T> Socket/request timeout
-v, --version Print version details

Numeric arguments may include a SI unit (1k, 1M, 1G)
Time arguments may include a time unit (2s, 2m, 2h)
使用方法: wrk <选项> <被测HTTP服务的URL>
-c, --connections <N> 跟服务器建立并保持的TCP连接数量
-d, --duration <T> 压测时间
-t, --threads <N> 使用多少个线程进行压测

-s, --script <S> 指定Lua脚本路径
-H, --header <H> 为每一个HTTP请求添加HTTP头
--latency 在压测结束后,打印延迟统计信息
--timeout <T> 超时时间
-v, --version 打印正在使用的wrk的详细版本信息

<N>代表数字参数,支持国际单位 (1k, 1M, 1G)
<T>代表时间参数,支持时间单位 (2s, 2m, 2h)


Running 30s test @ http://www.baidu.com
12 threads and 400 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 386.32ms 380.75ms 2.00s 86.66%
Req/Sec 17.06 13.91 252.00 87.89%
Latency Distribution
50% 218.31ms
75% 520.60ms
90% 955.08ms
99% 1.93s
4922 requests in 30.06s, 73.86MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 311
Requests/sec: 163.76
Transfer/sec: 2.46MB


Running 30s test @ http://www.baidu.com (压测时间30s)
12 threads and 400 connections (共12个测试线程,400个连接)
(平均值) (标准差) (最大值)(正负一个标准差所占比例)
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 386.32ms 380.75ms 2.00s 86.66%
Req/Sec 17.06 13.91 252.00 87.89%
Latency Distribution (延迟分布)
50% 218.31ms
75% 520.60ms
90% 955.08ms
99% 1.93s
4922 requests in 30.06s, 73.86MB read (30.06s内处理了4922个请求,耗费流量73.86MB)
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 311 (发生错误数)
Requests/sec: 163.76 (QPS 163.76,即平均每秒处理请求数为163.76)
Transfer/sec: 2.46MB (平均每秒流量2.46MB)